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Dear Friends:


Now that the election is over, I want to thank all the people who supported our campaign for the Roseville City Council!


With your support, we were successful in securing one of the three seats up for election.


I am very excited to be given the chance to serve our community as a member of your City Council.


My pledge to all of you is that I will work as hard as I can to be the very best City Council member possible.


My top priority will be to listen to your concerns and represent your voice on the City Council.


As a small business person, I will do everything I can to make sure small business has a strong presence in City Hall and an experienced representative on the City Council.


Working with the other City Council members and staff, I will focus on the issues I emphasized during our campaign – establishing a clear, long-term vision for our community; improving our high quality of life; providing superior public safety services; keeping Roseville financially strong; providing citizens with the best possible customer services; helping maintain top quality schools, parks and libraries; bringing higher education to Roseville; creating an efficient and effective transportation system; preserving our environmental assets; revitalizing the aging parts of our community; aggressively pursuing new high-quality businesses and high-paying jobs; and maintaining our community’s aging infrastructure.


That’s a VERY big job!


But it’s a job that, with your help and support, I am ready and willing to tackle!


Thank you again for your support.


If I can be of assistance, please feel free to contact me at 916-783-2958 or


John Allard


As a small business owner and an active member of our community, John looks forward to the opportunity to serve Roseville on the City Council!

In June 2005, John and his wife, Lisa, purchased Molly Maid of Placer County, a house cleaning business servicing south Placer and north Sacramento Counties. Since taking over Molly Maid, they have grown the business by over 660%, creating numerous new jobs and providing a much-needed service to thousands of local residents.


John and Lisa bought their first house in Roseville in 1987, and have been extremely active and involved in south Placer County since then.

John served on the Roseville Planning Commission from February 2001 to September 2003. He was appointed to a vacancy on the Roseville City Council in October 2003, and was then elected to four-year terms in November 2004 and November 2008, before leaving office in December 2012.

John’s focus on City Council was creating a safe, healthy and prosperous community, building the best possible local/regional transportation system, streamlining and reducing the costs of government, enhancing community services, promoting economic vitality, preserving environmental assets and revitalizing the older parts of Roseville. 

John served as Regional Vice President for the Hospital Council of Northern and Central California (2000-2005); Vice President of Grassroots and Political Activity for the California Hospital Association (1999-2000); Deputy Director for Public Affairs, Public Education and Legislation for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (1997-1999); and Chief of Staff for Assemblyman and Senator Tim Leslie (1986-1997).

Community Involvement:

Acres of Hope

(Faith-based homeless shelter for women with children)

  • Founding Member/Board of Directors (2004 to 2009)

  • Chair (2008 to 2009)

  • Chair, Finance Committee (2004 to 2009)

Bayside of West Roseville Church

  • Leadership Team (2008 to 2009)


​City of Roseville

  • City Council Member (2003 to 2012)

  • Planning Commissioner (2001 to 2003)

  • Finance Authority Board Member (2003 to 2012)

  • Housing Authority Board Member (2003 to 2012)

  • Redevelopment Agency Board Member (2003 to 2012)

  • Roseville Natural Gas Financing Authority Board Member (2006 to 2012)

Lincoln Club of Sacramento Valley

  • Board of Directors (2004 to 2009)

Roseville Arts!/Blue Line Arts

  • Board of Directors (2012 to 2013)

  • Treasurer (2013)

  • Founding Chair, Venues on Vernon (2011 to 2013)

  • Co-Chair, Blue Line Art Gallery Capital Campaign Committee (2007 to 2008)

  • Member, Corporate Solicitation Committee (2012 to 2013)

Roseville Chamber of Commerce

  • Board of Directors (1989 to 1993)

  • Vice President, Government Relations (1992 to 1993)

  • Vice President, Organization and Operations (1991)

  • Chair, Economic & Government Affairs Committee (2013)

  • Chair, Government Relations Committee (1992 to 1993)

  • Chair, Membership Committee (1991)

  • Member, Government Relations/Economic & Government Affairs

  • Committees (1985 to present)

Roseville Community Health Foundation

  • Board of Directors (1989 to 1997)

  • Chairman (1994 to 1995)

  • Secretary (1991 to 1993)

  • Chair, Audit and Budget Committee (1996)

  • Chair, Nominating Committee (1991 to 1994)

  • Chair, Public Information Committee (1989 to 1992)

  • Co-Chair, Sutter Roseville Medical Center Capital

  • Campaign Committee (1994 to 1996)


Sac State’s Placer County Advisory

  • Committee (2014 to 2016)

St. John’s Christian School - Roseville

  • Chair, New Administrator Search Committee (2001 to 2002)

  • Coach, Girls Basketball Team (2000 to 2002)

St. John’s Episcopal Church - Roseville

  • Vestry Member (2000 to 2002)

  • Senior Warden (2002)

  • Chair, Vestry Finance Committee (2001 to 2002)

South Placer Transportation Management Association

  • Founding Member/Board of Directors (1991 to 1994)

South Placer County National Day of Prayer

  • Breakfast Steering Committee

  • Founding Chair (2005 to 2014)


Sutter Health’s Placer County Community Advisory Board

  • Member (1992 to 2014)

  • Vice Chair (1996 to 2006)

  • Chair, Community Partnerships Committee (1992 to 2002)

The Gathering Inn

(Winter homeless shelter and service provider)

  • Founding Member/Board of Directors (2004 to 2006)

William Jessup University

  • Community Relations Board (2004 to 2012)​

Among his many Council duties were founder and chair of the Placer County Wine Industry Task Force; chair and member of the Placer County Economic Development, South Placer Wastewater Authority and Western Placer Waste Management Authority Boards of Directors and the Roseville Higher Education Task Force and Downtown Revitalization Committee; member of the Highway 65 Interchanges Joint Powers Authority, Placer County Air Pollution Control District, Placer County Transportation Planning Agency and Sacramento Area Council of Governments Boards of Directors and the City of Roseville/Union Pacific Advisory Committee. He also founded and chaired the annual South Placer County National Day of Prayer Breakfast and served on William Jessup University’s Community Relations Council.

John is a former chair of the Board of Directors of Acres of Hope and Roseville Community Health Foundation; former vice chair of Sutter Health’s Placer County Community Advisory Board; former vice president of Government Relations and member of the Board of Directors of the Roseville Chamber of Commerce; and former member of the Boards of Directors of Blue Line Arts!, The Gathering Inn, Sacramento Valley Lincoln Club and South Placer Transportation Management Association. He currently serves as a member of Sac State’s Placer County Advisory Committee.

John earned his bachelor’s degrees in political science and history from California State University, Sacramento. John and Lisa have been married for thirty years, have three grown children and reside in Roseville. They attend Bayside Church in Roseville.

Board/Commission/Committee Appointments:


City of Roseville Redevelopment Successor

  • Agency Oversight Board

  • Chair (2012 to present)


Ad Hoc Committee for Hotel/Conference Center

  • Member (2003 to 2009)

Annexation Negotiations with Placer County Committee

  • Member (2003 to 2012)

Bizz Johnson” Highway 65 Interchange JPA

  • Member (2007 to 2010)

Capitol Corridor JPA 

  • Alternate (2011 to 2012)

Downtown Business Attraction Team Steering Committee

  • Member (2009 to 2010)

Downtown Specific Plan Project Steering Committee

  • Chair (2006 to 2007)

Economic Development Advisory Committee

  • Alternate (2005 to 2010)

Naming of Fire Department Facilities Committee

  • Member (2003 to 2012)

Parks & Recreation Ad Hoc Committee for Naming of Facilities

  • Member (2007 to 2012)

Placer County Community Services Commission

  • Member (2005 to 2010)

Placer County Economic Development Board

  • Member (2005 to 2010)

  • Chair (2007 to 2008)

  • Vice Chair (2006

Placer County Flood Control/Water Conservation JPA

  • Alternate (2005 to 2007)

Placer County Transportation Planning Agency

  • Member (2011 to 2012)

  • Alternate (2007 to 2010)

PCTPA Funding Strategy Steering Committee

  • Member (2011 to 2012)

  • Alternate (2007 to 2010)

Riverside Avenue Specific Plan Project Steering Committee

  • Chair (2005 to 2007)

Roseville Electric Risk Oversight Committee

  • Member (2003 to 2007)

Roseville Police Activities League (RPAL) Board of Directors

  • Member (2003 to 2007)

Roseville Revitalization Committee

  • Chair (2009 to 2012)

  • Vice Chair (2003 to 2008)

Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG)

  • Member (2011 to 2012)

  • Alternate (2007 to 2010)

  • Capitol Valley Regional SAFE Board Member (2011 to 2012)

South Placer Regional Transportation Authority

  • Member (2011 to 2012)

  • Alternate (2007 to 2010)

  • Chair (2012)

  • SPRTA Policy Advisory Committee (2011 to 2012)

South Placer Wastewater Authority JPA

  • Member (2007 to 2010)

  • Chair (2007, 2010)

Union Pacific/City of Roseville Committee

  • Member (2007 to 2012)

Western Placer Waste Management Authority JPA

  • Member (2007 to 2012)

  • Chair (2009)

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